From Conception...To Election

"Preventing an individual with plural loyalties, whether by biological, political or geographic origins, which may present lawful or perceptable doubt as to his allegiances thereof, other than one with the fullmost sovereignty of advanced citizenry, which is that of one who remains Natural-born from conception to election, from assuming the great power of this fragile office, was, without tolerance or vulnerability, the exaction of purpose of our fathers to induce the mandate of presidential eligibility upon our blood-ransomed Constitution..." Pen Johannson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


editorial by Dan Crosby

NEW YORK, NY - In his August, 1963 “I Have a Dream Speech”, Martin Luther King said, “In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds…We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline…”

If he were alive today, Dr. King would be ashamed of the fraudulent ascendance of Barack Obama.

Obama’s supporters are not intellectually capable of accepting the facts about his ineligibility. They believe he is entitled to be president simply because of his “blackness”, not because he is legitimately qualified. This is the most shameful precedent set by Obama.

Excusing Obama’s bad behavior because of his dark skin, his supporters obstinately embrace a lie that he is simply America’s first so-called “black” presidential champion without ever acknowledging that it is Obama’s father’s foreign citizenship which only makes him ineligible to be a president, not an American citizen. Caterwauling accusations of racism in the face of incontrovertible facts, they actually believe any non-white life form which becomes president suddenly means that social fairness has been awarded to everyone who is also not white. Along with the fact that this is an extremely unhealthy exaltation of a political identity, such a delusion fails to calculate the consequences for an individual who is illegally elected, as Obama was. Apparently, the lessons of Nazism did not teach the world well enough.

In other nations, thousands of people are murdered in the streets because of the very same covert tactics Obama used to usurp power. The murder of 1200 Christians and Kikuyu in Kenya in 2007 after Obama’s alleged cousin, Raila Odinga, was defeated in that country’s presidential election, is just one such example. Violent radicalism by leftists forced an illegitimate, hasty revision to that nation’s 50-year-old constitution just to allow the addition of a power sharing arrangement between the new president and the communist, Odinga. Such foul compromise deserves it’s just reward.

Being conceived in bi-racial illegitimacy to a wayward, white, teenage mother and a deadbeat, womanizing, alcoholic, black father is not a handicap for Obama in America. Given Obama’s social popularity and his inciting ideology, it descends the depths of stupidity for anyone to believe that Obama’s opponents would prefer that he also be the offspring of an upstanding, all-American parentage. That would not only make him politically unstoppable, it would actually make him eligible to be president.

According to law, however, it is the fact that one of those parents was not an American citizen when Obama was born that disqualifies him from being president. It is not Obama’s mother which makes him ineligible, though the “5/14 citizenship conferment” argument does apply. It is Obama’s foreign father, who happened to be black, which has caused this trouble for Obama.

Now, the ignorance of denial combined with an irrational lust for social justice by a bowing liberal consensus has diluted Obama into little more than a convenient victim of racism to be pitied by his violent, obotic gang, and tragically so. Because of his ineligibility, that is all Obama gets to be…a shameful victim.

Rather than allowing Obama the dignity of being legitimized through the gracious legal provisions of the very constitution his desired office is sworn to defend, the left has hypocritically chosen to exalt a false agent of their otherwise valid ideological struggle never realizing that if it was Obama’s white mother who was the foreign citizen parent, challengers would still oppose the illegality of his presidency.

The fact that Obama’s alleged father is both foreign and black provides the left with a convenient means to remain stupid and obstinate over Obama’s eligibility because, as we all know, the left certainly has no intention of ever measuring Obama against the sovereignty of constitutional requirements. That would actually require Obama to meet a higher standard.

The obotic horde would rather have an illegal so-called “black” president mired in illegitimacy along with the teeth-gnashing fact that he is nothing more than just another in a long line of 44 American presidents relegated to demographics produced in another white womb, than admit they should have waited until the constitution could be legally revised to allow a more superior, eligible, non-white presidential candidate to uphold the natural-born honor of our highest executive office.

1 comment:

  1. slcraignbc
    March 1, 2012 at 4:51 am

    I.m going to try watching it at the Vattelevision site thinking that the ‘technical source” site might be a bit clearer……just hope they have the sound worked out a bit better than the GA hearing was….

    ……but I’ve got to say I’m a bit concerned hearing that press members from the major MSM echo chamber have made plans to show up….they are invested in the obfuscations and it’s out of carachter for them to show up in the light of day to hear a report on the work they are supposed to do…….

    …so being the cynic I have become I have to wonder what they’ve been told to get them to show up……

    ….when the AZ Legislature was working on their ‘eligibility Bill’ I had a number of communications with one of the whips and tried to impress upon them the importance of including a State Definition of natural born Citizen showing the legal premis of a States OBLIGATION to do so… the end they left it out, after putting it in……and the Bill was Vetoed. Then the AZ immigration Bill was passed and signed…..I was told that they were forced to choose their battle and immigration reform had more support……….

    ….but my point is that my enthusiasm for what will come out of the “investigation” is tempered by the high profile “ignorance” handed out of the Justice System, Federal and State Departments and the MSM in general and how they have twisted and distorted the facts at every turn without shame…..

    … order to be a “seminal event” in the eligibility sage any conclusive and actionable “investigation” would need to ‘declare’ that;

    “… currently there is NO acknowledged "legal” definition of the Constitutional idiom of natural born Citizen insofar as Citizenship is concerned and due to that FACT there can be NO “LEGAL” POTUS and any occupant must be considered a De FACTO Officer at best and a Usurper at worst, perhaps by no ill intent of any given person the lack of a declared National “legal definition” produces profound consequences to the creditability of the Office of POTUS, every Act emanating from the Office, every Act delivered to it by the Congress, every Treaty, agreement and negotiations with International bodies.

    Upon investigation it has been determined that the Constitutional definition, meaning and intent of the term of words, natural born Citizen, made idiom by its usage in the Constitution, is deducible from the body of U.S. Law independent from any interpretations of other historical sources and a Brief in the form of a Petition of Certification of a Constitutional Question has been prepared with the intent of soliciting the Governor, State Atty General and State Supreme Court to Certify the Question to the SCOTUS with application for expedited action.

    Copies of the Brief are on the table over yonder……………

    By leave of the Court I pray it be so ordered.....
