By Dan Crosby
NEW YORK, NY – A recently discovered rare immigration record found by researchers working on behalf of an ongoing investigation into the Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to hold the office of the U.S. presidency reveals that an American consular officer issued a single Certificate of Citizenship to only one passenger arriving in the U.S. from the Kenyan region of Africa between July and December of 1961.
The record shows demographic and status classifications for a passenger who was explicitly recorded at the INS Arrival Inspection Station as an individual being born to a U.S. citizen parent arriving from the Kenyan region of Africa between July 1st and December 31st, 1961.
This information and the dates of its documentation are disturbing given the rare nature of the issuance of certificates of citizenship for children who acquire their citizenship by birth to incoming U.S. citizens in this particular region of Africa.
These dates not only align with the alleged date of Obama’s birth on August 4, 1961, but also with evidence indicating that Ann Dunham departed from Hawaii beginning in February, 1961, shortly after her undocumented marriage to Obama Sr. The table below shows there were a total of 13 children of U.S. citizens who entered the U.S. from Africa's Kenyan region. It also shows there were 11 from the United Kingdom in the same time in comparison, to demonstrate the consistency of this class of arrivals, regardless of the country of embarkation.

We know Dunham used a passport at that time on at least one occasion for her departure with Obama Jr. to Indonesia where the two lived with Lolo Soetoro, Dunham’s second husband. If Dunham had filed for a “renewal” of an old passport, rather than for a new passport in the mid 1960’s for the Indonesian trip, which would have been the common practice for the life of a passport, this would have been indicated on the missing application which would have been included with the series of documents released by an FOIA request in early 2010.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service published its annual Report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in 1963, for the year of July 1st, 1961 ending on June 30th, 1962. According to information on page 99 of the report the only certificate of acquired citizenry issued based on the grounds of birth to a U.S. citizen abroad was coincidentally also issued in the same time frame during which Barack Obama’s alleged birth date occurred on August 4th, 1961.
Successive yearly reports add COC recipients to their roster for births in previous years as applicants receive those certificates for the year they were born. Table 48 shows the total COCs issued in that year (larger number on the left for each region under "Total") for those born under past years' columns. The quantity of recipients with births in each year tend to peak in the fourth year after the birth, according to the report.
COCs are more rarely issued in the same year unless the U.S. citizen parent returns to the U.S. more immediately after the birth. Obviously, the sooner U.S. citizen parent(s) return with their children born abroad, the sooner they would receive the COC after the birth. However, very few COCs (about one in 80) are issued to children the same year the report is published because most children born abroad to U.S. parent(s) don't return to the U.S. for three to five years, according to the report data.
COC delivery is also often delayed while the circumstances of the birth abroad are confirmed for older births who might apply for retroactive COC. However, when a newborn or very young child enters the U.S. bearing a foreign birth registration from an official medical facility or institution identifying the citizen parent, a COC is able to be expedited based on the registration form, the parent(s) testimony and inspection of the child by the INS. In those cases, a COC may be delivered in days, not months or years.
According to the INS, Certificates of Citizenship are issued upon arrival in the U.S. to those who have acquired statutory citizenship (not natural-born citizenship) by birth to at least one U.S. citizen parent within the previous year while that parent(s) was temporarily in another country. COC are notifications provided by the American Consulate Service, via the INS, to individuals born to at least one U.S. citizen abroad in order to provide interim citizen alien status while immigration status is processed and secured. COC are not issued to natural-born citizens or children born to non-U.S. citizen parents arriving in the U.S., nor are COC received through the same process as required for naturalized citizenship, according to the INS.
A COAC is issued to an arriving child from abroad who is:
- born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one parent with “alien” non-citizen status, or
- born in the U.S. to two alien parents who both naturalize after the child’s birth, or
- born abroad to a U.S. citizen who did not live in (or come to) the United States for a period of time prior to the child’s birth, or
- adopted and is permanently residing in the United States and can become a U.S. citizen by action of law on the date on which all of the following requirements have been met:
- The child was lawfully admitted for permanent residence; and
- Either parent was a United States citizen by birth or naturalization; and
- The child was still under 18 years of age; and
- The child was not married; and
- The child was the parent’s legitimate child or was legitimated by the parent before the child’s 16th birthday (Stepchildren or children born out of wedlock who were not legitimated before their 16th birthday do not derive United States citizenship through their parents.); and
- If adopted, the child met the requirements of section 101(b)(1)(E) or (F) and has had a full and final adoption; and
- The child was residing in the United States in the legal custody of the U.S. citizen parent (this includes joint custody).
There is yet other historical documented evidence supporting the plausibility that Ann Dunham possessed a birth registration for Obama Jr. from Kenya. In 2009, divorce decree documents for Dunham and Obama Sr. revealed that a conspicuously missing page from the section of the court proceedings declaring the custody of Obama Jr. is the same page which corresponds to other divorce records where a birth certificate would be required by a judge in order to determine original parentage at birth for a custody ruling based on HRS 571.
As previously reported by Dr. Jerome Corsi of WND and other sources, the void of documented and testimonial evidence accounting for Ann Dunham’s presence in Hawaii between February and early August of 1961 implies that she had reasons to travel to Kenya shortly after her undocumented marriage to Obama’s alleged father in February of 1961. According to the widely accepted but highly suspicious uncorroborated account of events, Dunham would have been at least three months pregnant at the time of the marriage. It was documented that Obama Sr's father, living in Kenya at the time, denounced the marriage leaving the couple with a reconciliatory reason to travel there.
Following the completion of her classes at the University of Hawaii in winter 1961, the only evidence accounting for Dunham’s presence was months after the alleged marriage, in late August 1961. A transcript of registration to attend fall extension classes at the University of Washington, in Seattle, beginning in late August, 1961 was discovered in 2009.
The previous year’s INS report shows that no other Certificates of Citizenry by birth were issued to anyone arriving from the Kenyan region of Africa between July 1st, 1960 and June 30th, 1961. During this time, the INS recorded 282 alien arrivals from Kenya by air, and three U.S. citizens.
The arrival of these Kenyan aliens is corroborated by the African American Students Foundation Report of Activities 1959-1961 which documents the arrival of African students in the U.S. on September 7, 1960 from Nairobi, Kenya via the second sortie of the Airlift America Project, a project initiated in April 1959 by the AASF and Kenyan politician, Tom Mboya, to bring African students from Nairobi to study in the U.S.
However, the INS report appears to fail to account for 13 other passengers which were reported as members of the AASF transport from Kenya. The AASF Report states there were 295 passengers aboard the flights, not 282.

It should noted that the AASF sent more than 800 students to the United States via the Airlift Project from East Africa in the early 1960s. Some of the student are not accounted by the 1961-1962 Immigration report as having departed from Kenya in the third airlift transport in fall of 1961. However, several of these students attended the University of Chicago where it has been widely speculated they had expenses paid for by six separate U.S. families including the family of Tom and Mary Ayers, parents of domestic terrorist and long-time Obama affiliate, Bill Ayers, with whom Obama served on the Annenberg Education Project Fund board for almost 10 years.
Recent testimony from a retired postal worker who delivered mail to the Ayers' Glen Ellyn, Chicago residence collaborates with AASF report accounts and indicates the Ayers may have a longer history of supporting foreign exchange students than initially suspected. Barack Obama II, was likely one of these foreign students supported by the Ayers in the late 1980s which would explain his engagement to serve with Ayers on the Annenberg Fund board, perhaps as appreciation for the Ayers' help.
A COC is also considered a primary form of identification by the State of Hawaii in 1961 to prove a foreign born infant’s residency in the U.S. prompting the issuance of a standard Certificate of Live Birth under Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17 which would then allocate the location of the birth to the mother’s residence.
Corroborating data from passenger arrivals of flights entering the U.S. between July 1st, 1961 and June 30th, 1962 indicates this one individual may have been originally classified as an alien upon arrival prior to application for derivative citizenship. The INS report shows there was only one individual who was originally classified by the INS as an alien arriving by air from Kenya. This individual was possibly inspected by INS officers in Hawaii upon arrival at the INS station located within Honolulu International Airport sometime in early August of 1961.

Unfortunately, the report does not give data supporting that this individual was accompanied by a U.S. citizen parent. This may be explained by the disparity of time between being classified as an “alien” in the interim until a COAC was granted and the collection of data for this report’s date of publication.
According to the INS report data, a voluntary birth to a U.S. resident in Africa in 1961, away from the quality of care offered at U.S. hospitals was extremely rare with only eight such cases in more than two years. The rarity of this event would leave an easily referenced recording of the birth abroad. Hawaiian law also specifies that documentation used to issue birth certificates by the Hawaiian Health Department includes certificates of citizenship issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service upon arrival of children born to U.S. citizens abroad.
Now it's just a matter of time before this Kenyan born son AKA obama goes to prison for fraud. He should be put in Sheriff Joe's Tent City!
ReplyDeleteThank God there are still good men in the U.S. like Sheriff Joe and his posse. I was beginning to wonder.
amen to that!
Amen ITs going to take some good honest men to right all the wrongs of this corrupt/fraud Whitehouse!!
DeleteDear birthers,
DeleteYour voices are not getting through to the GOP Establishment. Keep at it. Force them to make this an important part of Mitt's campaign.
Mitt is not a natural born citizen either, GOP puppets picked someone just as disloyal as Obama. The elites have both sides covered. Please research the truth about Mormonism and Islam, both teach the same anti-Christian anti-democratic crap, sexual rewards in heaven for men who enslave women on earth, violence for the prophet, Mormons tried to overthrow the US 3 times and have a violent history, they lie about their history just like Muslims and if Mormonism doesn't wake you up, meet the real Mitt, The Romney Alinsky connection, yes, Mitt is a radical progressive who believes that America will fall and Mormons will rule the world. This guy is moving through the court system vetting all candidates.
DeleteAs a 5th generation member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Mormon" is a nick-name for members of the LDS faith), I can tell "Cherylann" in no uncertain terms that she does not have her "facts" straight in regards to what she is spewing about Mormons. LDS members are probably some of the most conservative citizens of the United States, and as the actual name of our faith indicates, we are Christians who believe in the literal divinity of Jesus Christ and we endeavor to follow His teachings. Your account of Mormon history is just plain hogwash! I have ancestors who lived through the early days of the Church who were repeatedly subjected to mob violence and eventually were driven from their homes and settled in what is now Utah to find a place where they could live their religion in peace. It is a hellish lie to say that Mormons tried to overthrow the US 3 times! I think you must be an Obama supporter in sheep's clothing! Get your facts straight, and shame on you for spreading these lies about decent people who love America.
DeleteParallel Foreclosure by the Barack Obama administration has been a far worse crime.
DeleteReply to Don regarding Mormonism... I am not a Mormon but have a strong background on the faith. Mormons are very conservative. I don't know of any times they attempted to overthrow any government. Joseph Smith once considered running for president, but that is totally legal... well, except for Barry O.
DeleteUntil recently it was legal... at least on the books... to kill Mormons in Missouri. Yes... that is true! When Ashcroft was Governor of Missouri he rescinded it. May Mormon Men, Women and Children were murdered in Missouri in the early 1830's
If! they try to remove him from office, he will get Janet and his minions to take over militarily.
DeleteThis fraudulent piece of trash will only leave office if someone offs him.
I remember when I was a teen-ager in the '80's. If a teenage girl became pregnant, their families would go to great lengths to hide it. In the '60s you did not use the term 'pregnant', you whispered the word 'expecting'.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that Obama's mum left America for Kenya in Feb to hide her pregnancy and deliver there. It is not looking good for his legitimacy.
INS records show 1 alien child from Kenya requesting a certificate of citizenship in 1961
ReplyDeleteINS records of arriving passengers missing for the week Obama was born in 1961
Stanley Ann Dunham's passport records prior to 1965 destroyed
Obama's passport records breached in 2008
Mary and Thomas Ayers pay for the education of a black foreign student. Obama shows up to thank them.
Numerous newspapers around the world report that Obama is Kenyan born
The Kenyan birth records were tampered with according to government officials.
Tim Adams affirms that both hospitals in HI have no records for Obama.
Obama's electronic images of birth certificates have been tampered with.
Michelle Obama refers to Kenya as Barack's home country on video twice.
And then there's this:
Uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom on Apr 25, 2011
What does the very first image have to do with this post? The certificate is issued for an Otto Jakebson Brock or some name like this the image quality is too poor to get the exact spelling and issued in the state of Iowa with a birth date of March 2, 1936.
ReplyDeleteThere is no explanation in the posting as to the relevance of this image.
Thank you. You are correct. We updated the image to indicate that it is a sample of a U.S. COC.
DeleteI respectfully suggest you also put the word "sample" or "example" on the image itself as a watermark so that if the image is copied elsewhere it is clear to all it is simply a sample or example. Captions only partly solve the confusion issue.
DeleteI want to see him go to Gitmo for fraud but perhaps he will claim its not all his fault he was just a baby ... Its like how the government tricks us into being our corporate fiction or the "strawman" through birth cert and social sec...
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to see the 'Citizenship' doc enlarged? I loose detail when I attempt to enlarge it.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Birthers, the Obamabots will assure us this is just a coincidence, and none of the evidence that's been found, proves anything. They demonize us, and put the burden of proof on us, when the burden of proof is actually on Obama, if laws were applied, and enforced, the way they are supposed to be. The only pieces of evidence he has offered as proof, to the public, and not election officials, or the courts, are the two versions of COLBs, he has displayed online. Both have been found to be forgeries. His Selective Service registration card, has been found to be a forgery, by retired members of law enforcement. Almost all the other evidence has been locked away by Obama himself. Somewhere in all the evidence that he hasn't released, is evidence he was born in Hawaii, or, he's the total fraud the evidence that's been found, indicates he is.
ReplyDeleteIgnore them. They have no honor. They demonize because they are convicted by the wrath being stored against them. Quietly and confidently know who you are and that many support you. Stop listening to them. Stop paying attention to them. Stop regarding them in any way. Refuse to engage them. Deny them your response. Respond only to those who share the cause of truth. Know that you are on the same side as truth, whatever it may be, and that that search is based on the absence of truth, not some transient beloved by a bowing liberal horde.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWHY haven't you mentioned the names and details on this certificate? WHY haven't you provided a clear copy? I printed your jpeg, and from what little I can see, Dunham's name isn't on the form. In fact, the first line mentions someone's age as 33 and the person as being white, possibly male.
ReplyDeletePlease clarify.
The information in this report comes from statistical analysis. The author is not saying they found Barack Obama's CoC. Birthers are considered crazy because they read and understand information. Sheepers follow like sheep and want to be spoon fed.
DeleteThe image of the COC in the story is a sample of the same document which was issued to the individual.
DeleteMoreover, I find your questions highly relevant!! Anytime someone posts a "Certificate" on the internet, they SHOULD identify names and details about the information on are correct, Erica, they should provide a clear copy so that anyone seeking the truth about the identity and history of the individual named it, can have confidence and trust they are who they say they are.
Thank you for checking in.
The photo is just a "sample" of what these RARE Certificates of Citizenship for Aliens) looks like! It IS NOT Obama's. It's saying that there is a great possibility that his Mother was given one, due to the dates and the dates of Obama's birth. There are A LOT of "coincidences" of Obama's records "having mistakes," as well as many of his personal records "missing." The odds of so many of his records being legitimate but with mistakes and missing, ARE VERY, VERY RARE ODDS!
DeleteMore fake ON LINE so called documents this time set in Boston, Bari? Where your old-time pal Deval Patrick sits in the governor chair. Never ever any thing in paper any one can see or touch. INS my foot as they say, who is the boss at INS if it is not YOU? Bari who do you think you fool this time? May be only your sad sack self.
ReplyDeleteBari, is there no one who can tell you a thing? Months back many times I told you at Mr. Apuzzo's blog that you much need a rest but you did not listen. Now your tired crazy mind shows in how dumb you act these days.
Also do you not care that you add to your crimes by putting out more and more lies thinking to cover up your biggest lie that you are a man born of Barack Obama from Kenya? People say you are smart I thought so too back before but now you do not act smart at all. Time for you to wave as they say a white flag before the feds come take you away in great shame.
The first doc is a representative doc of a certificate of citizenship. It is not President Obama's, it is just to show what one looks like. Even the photo of the person is left blank, at least that's my guess as to what was in the white box on this doc.
DeleteThank you for being exceptionally intelligent. We made the decision to place a sample of a U.S. COC without clarifying it was sample in the same spirit and standard used by this liar in the WH to post his so-called Certificate of Live Birth.
Isn't it ironic that some blog can post an image of an actual document that was legitimately issued and every Obot from every hole calls it fake and demands that it be clarified. Meanwhile, the guy for whom their fetish lusts does the exact same thing on his website and it is determined to be a forgery by a criminal investigation, and they don't question its authenticity one bit.
Does anyone else see something wrong with this? Thanks for reading us.
Dan C.
Refusing to acknowledge that something's wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety.
DeleteHi, Dan
The "wrong in this" is a mental illness called "denial", a most common mental illness that is prolific with Marxists, Liberals, Communists and others of the far left or "leftist" political persuasion.
Indeed, when one is exhibiting "denial", they:
1. Refuse to acknowledge a stressful problem or situation
2. Avoid facing the facts of the situation
3. Minimize the consequences of the situation
In its strictest sense, "denial" is an unconscious process. One doesn't generally decide to be in denial about something. But some research suggests that denial might have a conscious component — on some level, one might choose to be in denial.
One trait that is most common with the leftist political persuasion is an atheistic or agnostic belief system. Consequently, without a spiritual guidance and emotional maturity, they generally lack "discernment", an ability to determine if a fellow human is evil, is lying or being deceptive. Dittos for general circumstances and genuine evidence of reality such as BHO's purported birth certificates, of which, three have been fabricated. His third one and most recent, which was determined to be fabricated as soon as March 2011, was determined to be fraudulent by law enforcement professionals. However, leftists remain in "denial" of the evidence because it condescends, discounts and criminalizes their leftist leader BHO. Consequently, because of their immaturity, instead of insisting their leader provide and explanation of why the document is fraudulent, they instead condescend and criticize the "messengers" and those professionals who exposed the fabrication.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyou can download the imigration book for 1961 and 1962 at in pdf format. just go there and type title in and get it yourself. real hard to forge that or hide it. JUST DOWNLOADED 30 MINS AGO BOTH BOOKS.
ReplyDeleteBOOKS TITLE was not shown in article.
ReplyDeletetitle here:
annual report of the immigration and naturalization service 1961 or (1962)
He won't go easy....they never do! Expect them to create a crisis of sorts and attempt to impose martial law. It'll probably work because Congress won't do s..t about it.
ReplyDeleteMr Crosby,
ReplyDeleteCan you please include the link to the actual book on the daily pen website.
Also, is there anyway that you can edit the article and add the page numbers or something, because the jpgs that you posted are unreadable and we could look at them directly in the book if we knew what table or page we were looking at. The jpgs are too blurry to decipher.
Thank you for your work and I hope you secured any other evidence before making this public.
jd BERFERS are suckers...
ReplyDeleteDo you know WHY a document like this is issued?
Fools...ask an immigration lawyer who got this kind of document as it was issued to a specific *group*.
BARI it is not polite to talk to America like this did your mother Jo Ann not teach you good manners. Go get rest do you not see you need it badly? Be the sensible one like you boast you are, you have many important meetings there in South Korea. If you do not rest RIGHT AWAY surely you will make a fool of yourself with all the world and the leaders and even the people at work in your hotel. Never will they stop talking about you ever. Is this the splash you wish to make I do not think it is.
ReplyDeleteYou Obot sorts are geting a bit more worried that we are discovering the fraud that your god king really is. Once we have the documentation, we've got this imposter by the short hairs. We have the proof, it tries to pull some sort of Martial Law excrement, it gets hauled out in chains. All the destruction it has caused is made null and void. Everything it has signed during it's presence is revoked.
ReplyDeleteExactly! Just like Bush was worried about the 9/11 Truthers. Remember how they got Bush dragged out of the White House in chains? The same will happen to Obama. Any day now!
DeleteDepartment of State PROOF he was "FOREIGN" born ....
ReplyDeleteThe official DoS PassPort application has been CHANGED since Obama became president.
It used to be VERY distinctual between citizen applicants born in the U.S. or "FOREIGN" born.
Under documents needed for "U.S." born, it asks for a (long) form CertificaTE (of Live Birth or Birth CertificaTE). (a "short" form CertificaTE may be ok IF it provides enough information like hospital-doctor)
But note in each case the word is always certificaTE, (not certificaTION of Live Birth).
ONLY under documents required for "FOREIGN" born does it require a CertificaTION; (and even then it had to be accompanied by the actual "foreign" birth-certificaTE).
Remember that during the campaign the ONLY birth document shown was a CertificaTION of Live Birth. (Which indeed were issued in Hawaii for "Residents Of Hawaii For ONE-YEAR" whenever they had a baby while temporarily out-of-state/country.)
But curiously, (or not so curiously), it has now been changed to be less definitive.
Actually, when I applied for my passport, they refused to accept my hospital birth certificate with my footprints, my mother's thumbprints, the doctor and attendant signatures. I had to pay Pennsylvania for a piece of cardboard on which my name and date of birth were typed. And I did it over the phoe without any proof of who I was. My original birth certificate had been good enough to get me a social security card ("This number will NEVER be used for identification purposes"), my driver's license, enlistment in the Marine Corps and various other official documents until suddenly it wasn't good enough anymore. I could easily get a dead cousins "Birth Certificate" and become someone else!
ReplyDeleteYou are doing the heavy lifting for all us -- it is actually quite embarrassing. Your work is the only that I have seen that attacks this issue in a way that makes an academic proud.
Godspeed, you are a scholar and a gentleman!!
A Suggested Narrative – How Obama is physically Born in Kenya but still Obtains Hawaiian Birth Registration Record:
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, Commander. Illustrating the stark difference between CONSTITUTIONAL presidential eligibility as a natural-born citizen and a legalized citizen born under plural identities.
...and nothing will be done about it. U.S. truth and justice is dead. The "terrorists" won.
ReplyDeleteHe has been seen not too be a natural born citizen, so I say remove him from office, of course along with his many (sic) minon's and return our USA too the people, from which it belongs...thank you
ReplyDeleteI have not been a "birther", until now! But can you tell me how the birth announcements were placed in two Honolulu newspapers showing Obama's birth there? This conspiracy is starting to fall apart. On March 31st Sheriff Arpio will have a meeting in Sun City West, AZ to show what his group has uncovered. I will be there.
ReplyDeleteHow the two birth announcements got placed in the two HI newspapers. All birth registration announcements were placed by the Health Dept, not the parents. A birth registered due to falsified information provided to the Health Dept or using loopholes in the HI laws to say a birth occurred in HI when it actually did not resulted in the birth announcement. The old database adage applies ... garbage in, garbage out. Listen to this Bill Cunningham radio show explanation back in Aug 2009:
DeleteMoreover, what is most interesting about the newspaper announcement saga is that an announcement for a marriage license for the Obama's alleged marriage in February appears nowhere in any paper.
DeleteThe Model State Vital Statistics Act and Hawaii Revised Statutes clearly mandate such an application and that the Department of Health must post them in a public site. Notice the other marriage applications during the same time around Obama's DOH birth announcements.
Also, since Bill O'Reilly has proven himself the biggest idiot apologist for obots in this matter by insisting the appearance of announcements in a newspaper automatically means the child is born in the same location, he must also, therefore believe that the absence of marriage announcement also means the Obama's were never married! Right? "That's impossible!" Right Billo?
The stupidity and ignorance of the trollabytes in the MSM continues to entertain and lavish with propaganda for the most prolific liar in American history.
Here is a link to the sample image of a citizenship certificate with the word "sample" emblazoned on it. The author could use this is they so desire.
Thanks for the info on the newspaper announcements. In the radio interview Commander Kerchner mentioned a law suit. This was in 2009. What was the outcome?
ReplyDeleteAZ: As with all the lawsuits in the courts it was turned using court created legalisms such as "standing" and "jurisdiction" to avoid taking the case. It was appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court but SCOTUS refused to take it. Neither the Congress nor the courts are willing to address this matter on the merits. Our government is in direct opposition to the requests of We the People. What once was a minority, a significant one but still in the minority, requesting that Obama's true legal ID be investigated on the natural born Citizen issue (they investigated McCain in Congress), is now a majority in many polls. But still Congress does nothing. Why, because they know the answer. Obama is not constitutionally eligible and they are all political cowards and afraid of Obama and his cronies. Here is a link to my webpage in which you can find out about both my federal lawsuit filed in Jan 2009 and my PA state lawsuit filed in Feb 2012. The courts are turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the people. But we are gaining on this fraud. It is only a matter of time and the truth will come out. It always does. The question is how much damage the usurper and conman in chief will have done to our nation before his exposed and brought to justice.
DeleteCDR Kerchner (Ret)
ReplyDeleteHow the two birth announcements got placed in the two HI newspapers. All birth registration announcements were placed by the Health Dept, not the parents.
Most people don't realize how much information is "PUBLIC NOTICE" and available for printing in any newspaper that wants to.
Many cities have a publication called the Business Journal that prints ALL new business licenses, ALL law-suits filed (or settled), ALL IRS liens, ficticious name filings, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc..
Some cities even posts ALL "home" sales that have closed in the previous week/month.
It is also notable that the same Honolulu newspapers that posted the "births" also posted the wedding LICENSES, (not actual weddings), on the same page.
I personally do not doubt that a "CertificaTION of Live Birth" was indeed filed/recorded around Aug. 4, 1961, and THAT would indeed have triggered the "Public Notice" to the newspapers, (for printing if they chose).
The PROBLEM is that the COLB can be filed by any "Resident Of Hawaii For ONE-YEAR", (Hawaii DOH rule #338 - 17.8).
Surprisingly (even today) the way it is written, not ONE WORD of "proof" of an actual "baby" is required. The ONLY "proof" required is that the filer be a "Resident Of Hawaii For ONE-YEAR". (google it: Hawaii Department of Health $338 - 17.8)
I am sure that statute has been "revised" but most probably was even looser back in 1961 as it is now.
NOTE that there is also NO PROOF OF DATE OF BIRTH required. (Mike Zullo stated on March 1 that they have proof of at least one "3yo" that was listed as a NEWborn.
I was amazed that the 338 - 17.8 rule was (and IS STILL) so loosely written, but look it up for yourself if you don't believe it.
Are any of you aware of the information Sheriff Joe and his "posse" have gathered. There has to be a chink in the armor that Obama and his todies have placed around his personal life from birth till today. I have always been intrigued by the Indonesian part of his life. Did Lolo Soetero adopt Barack and did his citizenship in the U.S. get revoked? Why was he considered a foreign student at Occidental and go by the name of Barry Soetero? Why does his draft card have irregularities and why does his Social Security card bare a CT identification number when he never lived there? The more you look into his past the more baffeling it becomes.
ReplyDeleteDid Lolo Soetero adopt Barack and did his citizenship in the U.S. get revoked?
DeleteYes. We may not be able to find the actual adoption records, but a foreigner adopting a U.S. citizen automatically loses them their natural born citizenship. It's a wonder why some foreigner didn't try to adopt President Bush before he was elected in order to make him ineligible.
Why was he considered a foreign student at Occidental and go by the name of Barry Soetero?
That was just to fool people. He figured that he'd have an easier time acclimating to American life if he took on a more American-sounding name like Soetoro.
Why does his draft card have irregularities and why does his Social Security card bare a CT identification number when he never lived there?
Well, obviously he stole it from someone else. But since the Social Security Administration won't come out and say so, they're obviously in on the scam. Same with the Bush administration, the McCain and Clinton campaigns, the Secret Service, the FBI and the state of Hawaii. Thank goodness we had people on the internet who could take time out from warning us about alien abductions and chem trails to tell us the truth!
The cold posse team investigated the birth announcements. They will tell you that they are worthless and do not prove a birth in Hawaii. One thing, they said that they have hard evidence that there are two- and three-year-old children in the announcements, and they also have hard evidence that there are a few foreign-born children on there. So how can they prove anything? Bill O'Really is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteHopefully when Sheriff Joe has the next press conference on March 31, we'll find out more. I know that there are more things about those so-called birth announcements that are phony.
For legible images:
ReplyDeleteFirst image was a sample of a citizenship certificate, which has been taken down at this writing.
image #2 Immigrants admitted by country
was 2 different parts of the same page and pasted together. its page 23 other African and the united kingdom line from 1962 report.
image #3
pg 99 (1962 report) Citizenship Acquired
and page 93 of the 1961 report
Image #4
1961 book again pg 68 and 71, tables 31 and 32 arrivals and departures
Image #5
Ann Dunham's arrival pink card
Image #6
1962 book cover and closeup of the seal
Image # 7 Admitted and Departed by birth
table 2 pg 19 (1962)
Image #8 (1962)
pg 77 departures
pg 74 arrivals
Image #9 (1961)
table 31 pg 68 again
image # 10 (1962)
pg 74 again
by air: 7 US citizens left the US to Kenya before June 30, 1961. 1 alien returned to the US from Kenya after Jul 1, 1961.
1 alien acquired citizenship from a US citizen parent at birth from Africa in 1961.
problem- infants don't fly alone.
This is all new to me, but I have been praying that the truth will come out about our President. According to Article II of the Constitution it merely says the President must be a natural born citizen, over 35 years old and a resident for at least 14 years. Has there been any case law to further define what a natural born citizen is? I believe there will be an August or September surpise just after the Democrat Convention.
ReplyDeleteHere is a little more intrigue to add to the pot, sent to me by my daughter's father-in-law:
I have researched this for over 3 years and my videos are all the proof anyone needs to know the truth. They are all sourced by Congressional records and the Founders' writings!
ReplyDeleteYou will be 100% sure too, after watching!!!
GUARANTEED Proof that Obama is a USURPER ~ 100% sourced w/govt documents and the Founders writings:
The American People WAKE UP after Congressional Records prove Obama NOT to be a US Citizen:
Explosive NEW EVIDENCE on Obama's Birth Place ~ Could this be Obama's REAL Birth Certificate?:
Kenyan Parliament ADMITS Obama is NOT a Native American and is a Son of the Soil of Kenya:
This appears to be relevant.
The new facts presented in this excellent 'Daily Pen' article do not in any way detract from a scenario of a return BOAC air trip from Kenya to Seattle by Ann Dunham and BHO-II via London and VANCOUVER in mid to late August 1961.
ReplyDeleteThe BOAC World Air Routes map, published April 24, 1960 is linked below:
However, the facts presented in the article do NOT support their return trip by air to the USA via London, New York and San Francisco, except with some difficulty and required explanation by the author. (0 'citizens' ie. Ann Dunham, accompanying the 1 'alien')
The facts released indicate that neither BHO Sr. nor either of Ann's parents were likely present at the birth of BHO-II at the CPGH in Mombasa.
The data showing that a COC (Certificate of Citizenship) was granted for one (1) alien during the time period, July 1, 1961 to December 31, 1961, embarking from a VERY LARGE AREA in Africa, though not strong, DOES at least support the POSSIBILITY that BHO-II was born in Kenya.
A proposed BHO-II NATIVITY TIMELINE , which I believe shows the major events occurring during the time period surrounding the birth of BHO-II in Kenya, is presented below:
Early November 1960: Ann Dunham becomes pregnant while a student at the University of Hawaii.
February 2, 1961: Ann Dunham, now about 3 months pregnant, and BHO Sr. the claimed father, allegedly are married on Maui.
Sometime in the approximate time period 2/2/1961 (marriage date) and 4/10/1961 (INS memo date): Ann and BHO Sr. attempt to make arrangements with the Salvation Army in Hawaii for the baby to be placed for adoption. ( ) Apparently, the attempt to place the baby up for adoption in Hawaii was not successful.
Sometime in the approximate time period, March 1961 to April 1961: Ann, pregnant and now embarrassingly starting to show it, departs ALONE from Hawaii, via passenger cruise SHIP, and slowly heads across the ocean toward Kenya, with the intent of giving the baby to the Kenyan relatives of BHO Sr. for adoption. An extended sea voyage by Ann to Kenya, starting in the Spring of 1961, would help explain why there have not been any photos of her, while pregnant in Hawaii, publicly released.
August 4, 1961: BHO-II is born at the CPGH in Mombasa. Neither BHO Sr nor either one of Ann's parents are present at the birth. BHO Sr's relatives choose not to adopt BHO-II so Ann had no choice but to return with him to the USA. It is also possible, but less likely that Ann, feeling very maternal after the birth, decides to forget about any pre-arranged adoption with the relatives and chooses to keep her new baby son.
Mid to late August, 1961: Ann, BHO-II and possibly an American Christian Missionary who may have accompanied them, depart from Nariobi, Kenya and fly, via BOAC, first to London, and then to Vancouver, Canada.
Mid to late August, 1961: Ann and BHO-II travel the approximate 141 miles via ground transportation from Vancouver to Seattle, Washington, where Ann starts night school extension courses at the University of Washington for the Fall 1961 Semester.
Florida Democrat Files Lawsuit to Remove Barack Obama from November Ballots
ReplyDeleteUp until now, everyone has believed that the efforts to declare Barack Obama ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States has been carried out only by Republicans. That may have been true at one time but not anymore.
Michael Voeltz is a Democrat who has seen the evidence laid out on Obama’s eligibility and believes that the current occupant of the White House is not legally eligible to reside there. Voeltz not only is a Democrat, but he was also an eligible elector for the Florida primary that took place on January 31, 2012.
According to his attorney, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch USA, Voeltz says that he took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and that in so doing feels it is his obligation to file the suit. He explained that there is not sufficient evidence that proves Obama was born in the US and there is no evidence that Obama’s father ever obtained US citizenship. Both situations fail to meet the requirements of being a ‘natural born citizen’.
The lawsuit cites the findings of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department Cold Case Posse investigation that was made public on March 1. The investigation said that there is substantial evidence to indicate that the birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 is a forgery and that fraud was committed when it was made public and declared to be authentic by the White House.
Klayman is well experienced in the Florida courts as he was one of the attorneys that argued the Gore v Bush case in 2004. He has also been a candidate for the state senate. In speaking about Voeltz’s case, he said the suit named Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner along with the State Elections Committee as defendants. He added,
“The requirement for natural-born citizenship, which is found in the U.S. Constitution, was intended to prevent foreign influences from ‘influencing’ an American president. These ‘influences’ have regrettably been witnessed by the American people during President Obama’s term in office. It is clear the Founding Fathers intended to avoid such a situation, where an American president seems to frequently sympathize with and take actions benefitting foreign interests.”
Klayman added that even if it was proven that Barack Obama was born in the United States that he would still not meet the criteria of ‘natural born citizen.’ Obama’s father was born in Kenya when it was under British rule and according to British law made him a subject of the crown.
The lawsuit also points out that Florida officials never attempted to verify his eligibility in 2008 and have still not done so in 2012. According to state law, they are required to ascertain the eligibility of everyone running for office in the state of Florida and they have failed in their duties to do so.
It’s about time someone takes some action against Barack Obama. Ever since the Arizona investigation was made public three weeks ago, very little has been said or done to follow up on it. For one of the rare times in my life, I actually have to applaud a Democrat for standing up for the law and challenging the leader of their own party. We can only hope and pray that others, Democrats and Republicans alike, join in the effort and that lawsuits are filed in all fifty states and all US territories.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, Congress needs to get off their butts and take immediate action on the information supplied by the cold Case Posse investigation. Obama needs to be tried, found guilty and imprisoned for impersonating the President of the United States when he had no legal right to do so and he knew it beforehand. Obama is guilty of deliberately defrauding Americans in accepting all of the pay and benefits for a position he is not authorized to hold. I’m sure if a group of constitutional and criminal lawyers looked into all avenues of what has transpired over the past 3 plus years, the list of crimes committed by Obama and his family (Michelle especially) would be long and they need to be held accountable for each and every crime they committed.
If people keep throwing enough stuff against the wall, maybe some of it will stick? Evidently this person has the background clout to try!
I went to the meeting yesterday (March 31st)in Sun City West, AZ presented by Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse. All the material presented can be seen at so I don't need to lay it out here. There was a petition circulating at the meeting to ask the AZ legislature to pass a resolution to have the AG send a letter to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, head of the DNC to show cause why OHB's name should not be on the AZ ballot in November. I understand that Georgia has already taken his name off the ballot there. This should result in some very interesting court cases. Incidentally, the large church where this was held was packed and the doors had to be closed 5 minutes before the presentation. The link they gave to sign the petition, if you are an AZ resident, is not correct. When I get it I will share it here.
ReplyDeleteExcellent idea! After all, nobody had any idea that his father was Kenyan back while he was running in 2008. It's not like he wrote a book about it or anything.
DeleteIf you are an AZ resident you can sign the petition that may get Obama's name off the Nov. ballot. Here is the link:
Mick says:
ReplyDeleteObama is EXACTLY the type of man that the framers were preventing from the office of President with the natural born Citizen requirement. His father is an “improper ascendant” (ancestor– see 1828 Webster’s Dictionary)) discussed in federalist #68,
The prescription for the prevention of an improper “ascendant” (ancestor) was to choose a “creature of our own” from among the citizenry, according to A. Hamilton in Federalist #68 (March 1788). Could a “creature of our own” (sic) possibly mean the scion of a foreign, Marxist, British subject? Of course not.
If the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was the prevention of foreign influence, then how is it possible that one born a British subject is eligible? IT’S NOT. Obama has shown, by his actions, his lack of allegiance and attachment to this country— it’s obvious, uness your head is 2 ft deep in the sand. Throw him out of office for ineligibility, or prevent his appearance on the 2012 ballot, and one hand of the Criminal bankers will be cut off, and the Treason of this Congress and the judiciary exposed. Wake up.
“Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?”
—–FEDERALIST # 68, A. Hamilton, March 1788.
British intelligence knows the facts of Obama's Kenyan birth. One of their top people told me this in the summer of 2008, long before the birth certificate issue erupted here in the US. They have specific documentary proof that he is a British citizen of Kenyan birth, born in Mombasa, witnessed by his paternal grandmother. I highly suggest that people searching for the proof are searching on the wrong continent. They need to FOIA the British government.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you ask your friend to leak the document to the British press. Do you think anyone can just write a FOIA to the Brits?
DeleteBetter yet, get your friend in touch with Lord Monkton. Unless your friend does not want to repeat this info....
The article made reference to a child born to a U.S. citizen and a foreign national overseas is automatically a U.S. citizen, that is not true (at least in 1991, but I don't think the law had changed). I am the father of two children who were born in Australia. I had to apply to the U.S. Consulate to have my children registered as U.S. citizens. Had I not, they would not have become U.S. citizens.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a moot point if she was a US citizen?
ReplyDeleteOK so if he is declared ineligible then the demos nominate HILLARY AND WE LOSE BY 10 POINTS IN NOVEMBER.... LET OBAMA SELF IMPLODE AS HE IS
ReplyDeleteGiven the fact that the dems gave us this imposter, I don't think they'd be in any position to take the next election.
DeleteYou don't look the other way on forgery and treason because you're worried about an election. It was this type of thinking
that kept Bill Clinton from being removed from office after the House of Representatives impeached him.
Furthermore, if BHO was never eligible to hold the office, nothing he's signed into law thus far is valid. I'd risk losing the 2012 election in exchange for getting rid of Obama Care and all of his executive orders.
Even if Hillary did win in 2012, Hillary Care would never get past a Republican controlled House of Representatives.
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