From Conception...To Election

"Preventing an individual with plural loyalties, whether by biological, political or geographic origins, which may present lawful or perceptable doubt as to his allegiances thereof, other than one with the fullmost sovereignty of advanced citizenry, which is that of one who remains Natural-born from conception to election, from assuming the great power of this fragile office, was, without tolerance or vulnerability, the exaction of purpose of our fathers to induce the mandate of presidential eligibility upon our blood-ransomed Constitution..." Pen Johannson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Monday, July 23, 2012


LYIN’ HAWAIIAN:  Following shocking contradictions discovered by criminal investigators between the contents of the forged digital image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted on the internet and long-standing federal vital records regulations, the State of Hawaii now refuses to verify that the digital image matches the paper record in their files.

By Dan Crosby
Of The Daily Pen

NEW YORK, NY – The American people were ridiculed and insulted by the liberal media for years for questioning the authority of the State of Hawaii when the current and former directors of the Hawaiian Department of Health, Loretta Fuddy and Chiyome Fukino, publicly stated that they had verified that Obama’s birth records existed on file under their jurisdiction.

Based on that uncorroborated information, Fukino even fancied herself as an INS agent stating in July of 2009 that she believed Obama was a natural born citizen.  However, according to the digital image we were told was Obama’s official, original, authentic birth certificate, he is not a natural born citizen which is defined by birth to two citizen parents.  Obama’s alleged father was a British citizen born in Kenya.   

Then, at the very moment Obama, or most likely someone on his staff, posted a digital image of an unauthorized .pdf version of an alleged State of Hawaii issued birth certificate to an official government media source in April, 2011, a crime was committed.   

Aside from the technical evidence now eviscerating the credibility of the digital image of Obama’s forged birth certificate posted to an official government media source, one of the most shocking revelations to emerge from Maricopa County’s Hawaiian records investigation is that the Deputy Attorney General of that state would not provide confirmation that the record held on file by the Hawaiian Health Department actually matched the image placed on the internet by Obama.

During the course of the investigation, Maricopa County Sheriff CCP lead investigator, Mike Zullo, asked Hawaii’s Deputy Attorney General, Jill Nagamine, to validate the information about Obama’s birth on the internet image by corroborating it with the contents of the original paper version of the birth record filed with the State of Hawaii. 

Nagamine refused to do so.

“At one point during the conversation, I held up a copy of that document, (a paper copy of the internet image of Obama alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth”), and I asked her, point blank, ‘is this a copy of the document you provided Mr. Obama’s attorneys?’” he stated in a July 17th MCSO press conference.

Cowering behind legal nonsense, Nagamine refused to validate Obama’s birth certificate.   

“During the course of our conversation, going back and forth, it became very apparent to us that the Deputy Attorney General was doing nothing more than hiding behind state statutes with every question we asked,” said Zullo.

Zullo continued, “I explained to her that we have a problem. The problem is that we already know by the admission of the Department of Health that they released two photo copies of the purported original long form birth certificate, placed in an envelope and given to Mr. Obama’s attorney’s.  I don’t know what was contained in the documents…I don’t know what was contained in that envelope.”

Zullo’s line of questioning with Nagamine was exploring the possibility that the content of the original paper documents, which were given to Obama’s attorney’s directly by the State of Hawaii, did not match the content of the document image posted to the internet in April of 2011.

Investigators suspect an intentionally corrupted chain of custody occurred sometime between the release of the original paper documents by the State of Hawaii to the time they were posted to the website two days later.  There is now strong evidence showing that the information contained in the original documents issued by the State of Hawaii was most likely transcribed and altered by forgers working on behalf of Obama in the course of fabricating the “new and improved version” .pdf file prior to posting it online.  This evidence includes inconsistencies between content and vital statistics coding, the absence of viewable information in the lower margin, the use of layers to obscure and add information and, most significantly, the lack of cooperation by the State of Hawaii to validate what has been claimed is the identical information in both the image and original documents.

Zullo illustrated this problem to Nagamine using the example of an altered image of his original driver’s license saying that if you changed the information from the original to the image, would that still serve as proof of an original driver’s license.
Washing her hands of any responsibility as a law enforcement agent to uphold regulations against the forgery of official government documents and identity fraud, Nagamine’s reply was shocking, “But, you still have an (original) driver’s license.”

Commenting on Nagamine’s response, Zullo said, “Essentially, what she was telling us is that the internet image is not what they released to Obama’s attorneys.”
Yet, it is the official position of the Attorney General of the State of Hawaii, the highest ranking law enforcement official in the state, that there is no reason to investigate whether the content of the digital image of Obama’s alleged “Certificate of Live Birth” is a misrepresentation of an official government document.  Nagamine’s reply was a resounding confirmation that the law no longer matters in the State of Hawaii and that it probably never did when it comes to the validation of birth documents issued there.
Moreover, Nagamine’s failure to cooperate with an official law enforcement investigation also affirms that her office, along with the entire municipality of the State of Hawaii refuses to validate the claim that the image posted by Obama, represented world-wide as proof of his identity and eligibility to serve as president, is actually identical to the content of his original paper document record held in secret at the Hawaii Health Department.

Therefore, by default, it is not!
Zullo continued, “Based on that exchange, we verified that the state of Hawaii did not make a .pdf file of Obama’s birth certificate.  If the Department of Health in Hawaii did not release this .pdf computer generated file and this is not merely a photograph of a document, someone else created it! ”

“That is forgery!  There is no legal authority for anyone, including the president of the U.S. or his staff, to make a Hawaiian birth certificate.”

“You could not take this document image into a court room and have it accepted as authentic by a judge.”

The conclusion is indisputable and explicit.  Crimes of document forgery and identity fraud have been committed at the highest levels of government.  It doesn’t matter if you can accept the crushing weight of that judgment.

Of course, we all know that any legal action which takes hold will exempt Obama because he will be insulated behind plausible deniability by the aforementioned corrupt chain of custody of his records.  The crimes of forgery were committed without Obama’s knowledge.  Certainly, he was never allowed by his handlers to even know what information was contained in any of those documents.  He wasn’t even allowed to touch them or see them. 

However, he endorsed them, thereby sponsoring the lie.  
The various agencies serving within the State of Hawaii and federal government are now actively obstructing justice and serving as an accomplice to the crimes of document forgery and identity fraud with respect to Obama’s birth certificate, his social security number and his selective service registration.
Worse, they have propagated the most prolific hoax in American political history and, in doing so have eviscerated their own credibility, value and purpose to humanity.

Judgment cometh, and that right soon.  May God have mercy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


INCOME IS NOT A CONSTITUTIONAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT:  Mitt Romney’s political popularity with a handful of middleclass moderates could be impacted this November by his decision whether or not to disclose his income by way of tax returns, which he should provide unapologetically.  However, it is his campaign’s abysmal weakness and incompetent unwillingness to gut the “Obotic” horde with the message that the difference between Romney’s tax returns and Obama’s birth certificate is that the content of the latter is evidence of Natural Born Constitutional eligibility to even hold the office while the other is merely a political joystick gladhanded by a deranged political subspecies, which will ultimately cause his downfall.

Commentary by Penbrook Johannson
Editor of The Daily Pen

NEW YORK, NY  – The left has a delusional fantasy about the equivalency between the rule of law and political popularity.  They actually believe Obama’s transient preciousness legally qualifies him to be President over the 225-year authority of the blood ransomed U.S. Constitution, which illustrates the depth of their psychosis founded upon Romney's lack of income disclosure.  Yet they appear dissonant about Obama's document forgery, identity fraud and his lack of legal qualifications to even hold the office.  

The Constitutional eligibility mandate found in Article II is a unique legal requirement among civilized nations.  In terms of a candidate’s demographics, our founders ruled that Presidential candidates must be able to demonstrate that they are Natural-Born citizens and 35 years of age in order to hold the office.  These two bits of information are most commonly evidenced by a valid, original, standard record of birth which can be easily and openly corroborated with other biographical and official records. 

Romney haters have convinced themselves that, in order to equalize the illegitimacy universe with Obama's lack of Constitutional eligibility, Article II eligibility is now determinable by a tax return.   However, there is some bad news for Obots.  Unfortunately, the IRS does not care if you are natural born citizen or an illegal migrant worker.  Taxes are taxes and, apparently, Romney has broken no Obama has. 

In fact, Romney gives almost 15 percent above of his income tax to his church charity…which should delight the entitlement minded.  It’s free money from a rich, white, latter day Christian Republican! (yes, Mormons are a version of Christians…with an extra chromosome, but loved nonetheless.)  Do we dare ask what Obama gives to charity in comparison? Should we wonder if Obama ever squared that little tax issue when he bought property from a known felon and slum lord?  Speaking of we dare simply mention the names Geitner, Rangle or Dodd?

All this political "ammo" and Romney doesn't understand his right to bear legal "arms" against the illegitimate criminal syndicate.         

A Natural Born citizen is one born under the definition established by what the founders understood as “Natural Laws”, not the tax code.  A set of long-established legal, biological, moral and socially rooted tenets held by advanced civilization which, when measured against a person’s jurisdiction of birth and biological parentage, make it impossible for him or her to have plural allegiances with foreign influences.  Simply understood today, this means they are born in the United States to two citizen parents without a discontinuance of that Natural born citizenship status from birth to election.

Only a president must be natural born.  No other position in American society requires this, yet the president is no more endowed with Constitutional rights than any other citizen of the U.S., natural born or not.  This mandate was enacted to protect American sovereignty, not discriminate against race.     

No presidential candidate has ever been under as much scrutiny over his lack of ability to demonstrate Constitutional eligibility than Barack Hussein Obama.  This is because no other presidential candidate has ever tried as hard, or paid as much, to hide his lack of Constitutional eligibility as much as Barack Obama. 

We didn’t ask the Bushi, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter or even the first Naturally born required candidate, John Tyler (born two years after the ratification of the Constitution) for their proof of natural born citizenship because, 1.) they didn’t try to hide it like Obama, 2.) their family histories were never legally doubted or publicly questioned, (even by our psychopathic liberal media), like Obama 3.) they never paid a dime in legal fees to suppress their birth records like Obama and finally, 4.) no one ever forged a computer image of a 50-year-old document for them and got caught by a law enforcement agency after posting it to an official, tax payer funded government media source…like Obama.  So, stop with the racism crap.  Wasn't Bill Clinton the first black president, anyway?

Yet, Romney’s tax returns are the rage among liberals and media.  Can they really not see what fools they have become?  At the conclusion of Sheriff Arpaio’s recent press conference, pro-Obama letches posing as reporters demonstrated absolutely no interest in evidence discovered from a 10-month law enforcement investigation that the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth”, proving it a forgery.  A source of alleged official vital information about the man occupying the office of the United States presidency has been proven by criminal forensics to be forgery and the media were questioning the investigators about THEIR qualifications, not Obama’s. 

The apocalypse is upon us, my vintage American friends.

Romney should release every tax return he has filed since 1990 just to force the left to read them all.  They won’t read a 2700-page socialist healthcare bill, but I bet they would devour those 7000 pages of Romney’s tax returns.  They would eat their own children to remain at that task.

Let’s make this simple.  When the left demands that Romney should reveal tax records, which have no bearing on Article II's eligibility to be President, like Obama's forged birth certificate does, Romney should simply say, “…when Obama releases the records which demonstrate his legal qualifications to be the president, I will be happy to release tax records which will never change the fact that you would never vote me anyway.”

Romney may be successful and rich like Obama.  But the most teeth gnashing fact that liberal's can't claim about Obama is that Romney has never been proven to be an illegal president by a law enforcement agency...yet.