From Conception...To Election

"Preventing an individual with plural loyalties, whether by biological, political or geographic origins, which may present lawful or perceptable doubt as to his allegiances thereof, other than one with the fullmost sovereignty of advanced citizenry, which is that of one who remains Natural-born from conception to election, from assuming the great power of this fragile office, was, without tolerance or vulnerability, the exaction of purpose of our fathers to induce the mandate of presidential eligibility upon our blood-ransomed Constitution..." Pen Johannson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Obama Running Scared From Patriot Lakin Case

by Penbrook Johannson

Washington D.C. - Desperate to prevent exposure of Obama’s true identity, military commanders upholding the appearance of loyalty to the administration have taken unprecedented, and possibly, unfounded actions in an attempt to prevent Lt. Col. Terry Lakin from his day in court. The Army appears to be exploiting administrative tactics through the Officer Performance Evaluation process in order to prevent Lakin from exercising his right to a fair trial where he can demand hard evidence of Obama’s covert identity proving his plausible violation of the Constitutional eligibility clause to hold the office of the President.

As of July 16, 2010, Dr. Lakin is being charged under uniform military justice code for his dutiful refusal to obey orders under the principled justification supported by military chain of command protocols encouraging subordinates to question suspected illegal orders. Lakin is challenging his deployment and assignment orders under the suspicion that they have been issued by a chain of command headed by a President who may be ineligible to hold his office under the prescribed mandates of Article II of the United States Constitution.

However, the "touchstones of transparency" are being thrown at Lakin from the glass house of the Obama administration in order to silence the decorated military hero. Lakin's opportunity to have his day in court may be denied if Obama-loyal brass have anything to say about it. Obama's military legal advisors are currently contriving an underhanded way to kick Lakin out of the Army rather than allow him to enter onto the publicly accessible arena of a formal court martial. They are attempting to paint Lakin as “unfit for duty” and thereby make up false reasons to have Lakin removed from the military before a court martial can be held.

Ironically, Lakin is refusing to obey orders which also require him to present a valid, original and medically verified birth certificate in order to be identified for active duty change. Apparently, confirming the identity of a decorated, career-level, combat veteran for deployment to active military duty in a war zone is more of a concern for the federal government than confirming the ambiguous, hidden identity of an untested, rookie president to be that same military's commander. Such nonsense continues to make Obama look more and more of a ridiculous liar as time passes.

As reported by the American Patriot Foundation, in the most recent volley of action, Dr. Lakin submitted a formal rebuttal of the Army's revised version of the OER which blatantly and unjustifiably reverses the previous favourable OER which was finally submitted for approval only after Lakin was forced to waive his right to a pre-trial hearing when a judge denied Lakin access to blatant evidence supporting his defense. Lakin simply requested access to Obama's birth records currently held by the state of Hawaii, and testimony from officials working at the Hawaiian Department of Health, where Obama's vital records were created and stored. However, following the judge's incorrect decision, Lakin's choice to immediately proceed to trial sent Obama's legal staff into a frenzy as they tried to employ contraventions meant to preempt Lakin's trial which affords him with undisclosed rights of discovery.

Further complicating Obama's defense, the contents of Lakin's original OER laud him as one of the "best officers" in the Medical Division of the Army. Then, suddenly, the highly irregular revision of the initial evaluation appears to disparage Lakin without providing any appropriate examples or formal greivances reasons for the altered “re-review”. The revision simply states that Lakin is found to be unfit for promotional considerations, which is extremely odd since his reviewing commanders exalt his performance as being in the top 10% of the active duty roster. Thus, it can only be assumed, Lakin's conscientious refusal to deploy on rightful and principled grounds was the reason for his Revised OER.

Cowards In The Ranks

"Lt. Col. Lakin's actions are heroic. The man serves his country and the U.S. Constitution with honor, fidelity and generosity and has a right to serve under a qualified chain of command which also exhibits integrity, honesty, and authenticated legitimacy. His superiors need to stop acting like cowards and get behind him." says another employee serving at Walter Reed Medical Center.

The most appalling circumstance surrounding the issuance of the revised OER is that the original facts of the original OER appear to have been intentionally falsified without any detailed evidence supporting the revisions. Also, even though the OER is dated as being created for a review period from June of 2009 to April 12, 2010, before scheduling of the Court martial date, the OER revision was not officially provided to Lakin until two weeks after Lakin waived his right to pre-trial hearings in order to go directly to a court martial where he could file discovery demands for evidence.

Lakin's original OER shows an attestment date of March 25, 2010, signed by Col. Dale K. Block of the Pentagon's DiLorenzo TriCare Clinic, four days prior to the appearance of Lt. Col. Lakin's video on the internet. At some time later, the original OER was submitted for finalization and then signed and dated April 12, 2010 by a Colonel Norvell V. Coots, commander of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, without any detractions or revisions. The orginal OER was signed, finalized and filed nearly two weeks after Lakin's objections were made known to his superiors and the video had circulated the internet and appeared on several T.V. news shows.

The review period of the revised OER is also conveniently stated as being thru April 12, leaving no gap of time between his duty change and leave of absence during which Lakin might have an opportunity to address the reason for the retraction of the favourable performance review one day earlier.

A possible motive in revising Lakin's evaluation is to blemish his stellar performance and label him as unfit because of his stance on Obama's possible ineligibility. An unfavourable review against Lakin's performance would make it easier for Obama-friendly military brass, commanded by an illegal president, to dismiss Lakin from service without allowing a trial and, therefore, prevent evidence of Obama's fraudulence from being exposed on the record.

Lakin states in his formal rebuttal of the Revised OER, in item 1, that he was not provided with the April 12th Revised OER for approval until June 29. He then states in item 5 that the original OER was completed for the thru date of April 11, 2010, allegedly just ONE DAY before the revision. Lakin demands that, "This (April 11) version of the OER is accurate regarding my performance and should be submitted to DA as my OER of record."

Why is there an apparent 2 ½ month delay between the OER, its revision and its final submittal for approval to Dr. Lakin? This discrepancy between the creation, revision and submittal dates of the OER makes the timing and reasons for the alteration of Lakin’s original OER appear very suspect and contrived. It may even indicate that the Revised OER was not actually created until after it was discovered that Lakin would have access to evidence which would undermine attempts to keep Obama’s natal history and natural born status a secret. The revision may have actually been pre-dated to make it look like a motive between the unfavourable review of Lakin and the timing of the court martial could be obscured by military higher-ups and denied by Obama while providing a formal means to dismiss Lakin from the military.

“It looks sleazy. This (revision to a certified OER) does not make sense at this level of military command, among individuals with this man’s (Lakin’s) level of specialty, expertise and record of service,” says retired Lt. Col. Neil O’Connelly, “In 20 years, I have never seen a stellar review countermanded to such extremes. It’s ridiculous. It should raise flags about the motives behind the retractions rather than be any indication of failure on the part of the officer under review.”

In his rebuttal draft dated June 17, 2010, Lakin states:

"This change in dates (between the original and revise OER) clearly has been altered from the previous version. The OER was completed for a change in Duty Station/TCS orders. I had completed all requirements to 'clear' my duty station and unit and was on leave status prior to April 12, 2010."

This statement by Lakin indicates that the original facts of the original OER may have been intentionally altered to present false logistics which would favor an interuption of Lakin's legal proceedings. Simply stated, the original OER was falsified in order to protect Obama.

The disparaging, revised report was obviously filed as a means of justifying Lakin’s possible dismissal from military service in lieu of allowing a court martial process to continue, which, as Obama knows, would trigger Lakin’s right to evidentiary discovery within the legal process which would expose documents, testimony and information revealing plausible criminality on the part of Obama and members of his administration. Much to the consternation of the Obama legal team, the UCMJ does not maintain the same protections against the discovery of available evidence as the civil court system.

The “Officer Evaluation Report,” or “OER,” issued on March 25th, 2010, originally praised LTC Lakin as one of the top 10% of all Army medical department officers and recommended him both for promotion to full Colonel and for command of Army medical clinic operations. A few days later it was redrafted and altered to say that Dr. Lakin was suddenly unfit for continued military service and that only one unspecified event had intervened.

Lakin's reviewer stated the following about Dr. Lakin in his original report:

“LTC Lakin is in the top 10% of AMEDD officers I’ve served with and was the best Chief of Primary Care in my last 15 years of command. LTC Lakin is a mission-oriented, strong and skillful leader who is staunchly
dedicated to improving standards of medical care and patient satisfaction within the clinic. LTC Lakin’s patient skills are unsurpassed, his osteopathic manipulation and acupuncture training has made a major impact on the health of Pentagon personnel. Patient satisfaction scores for the clinic have increased more than 6%; DTHC now averages 96% on the Army Provider Level Satisfaction Scores. LTC Lakin continued to serve as a consultant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) as the IT Functional Proponent for Army Occupational Medicine; he presented three medical presentations on this topic at the Annual Force Health Protection Conference. He personally managed a patient panel of 800 aviators to include the Army Air Operations Group and the US Army Priority Air Transportation Units. LTC Lakin established approved CME credit for provider educational activities, which will provide DTHC providers with 40 of Category I CME hours.

Dr. Lakin is an extremely talented, highly knowledgeable senior Army clinician with significant field and consultant experience, he can always be counted on to provide me with expert advice.”

The substance of the original review raises questions as to why the Army now feels it necessary to dismiss such a highly qualified, honorable veteran like Lt. Col Lakin without allowing him the opportunity for due process in a court of military law. If Lakin is as proficient and talented as his evaluater says he is, then he should be given the complete benefit of doubt to pursue a case toward exoneration with the full and willing cooperation of the Department of the Army and the Division of Military Justice. Otherwise, such extreme measures to prevent the legal process continues to diminish Obama politically while making him appear cowardice.

The Obama administration's continuing obstruction of the legal process regarding his ambiguous, unresolved eligibility saga reveals with even more defined certainty and increasing probability that Barack Obama is indeed engaged in a willful circumvention of the U.S. Constitution by assuming the powers of the U.S. Presidency without actually being legally eligible to do so. In fact, the Lakin case reveals that there must be something far more destructive to Obama if he would otherwise allow a patriot hero like Lakin to be thrown out of a military he commands and is made better with Lakin's presence in it. When analyzing this, it shows what Obama is willing to violate Constitutional law in order to continue to perpetuate a lie about himself. What happens to a nation in which a suspect leader creates conditions which make his command unsuitable for the advanced, decorated, honorable, brave warriors like LTC Lakin? The answer is terrifying. It means the nation will lose its ability to defend itself from its enemies.

“That original officer evaluation will make any adverse action against Lakin a very difficult proposition for a prosecuter in court,” advises O’Connelly, “His rating as an exception serviceman with highly specialized skill and meritorious service kills the government's case before Lakin even takes the stand. Unless he is being charged with murder or treason, his record is a real problem for Obama."

Secretly, many military officers speaking off the record agree that the Obama Administration is terrified of Lakin's case for two reasons. First, since Obama lacks standing and leadership with the military, Lakin's appearance in court would push a precedence for a flood of like-minded military commanders currently waiting to see how Lakin's case proceeds. The Army must maintain the appearance of adherence to a civilian-led chain of command for posterity, but if a crack appears in the Obama facade and opportunity to bring a case before an actual military ranking occurs, they feel they could then launch a collective assault on this issue. This is why many in the military believe that Obama's Chief of Staff personnel had a direct influence on the decision to revise Lakin's performance review.

Second, its obvious Lakin is real threat to the administration's efforts to keep Obama's personal identity a secret. There is no doubt, now, that the Lakin case has revealed a very weak flank in the Obama Administration's ongoing campaign to conceal Obama's covert natal history and his ambiguous qualifications for American political legitimacy. Lakin's original OER supports this, unequivocally.

"He's (Lakin) got more than just the “eligibility challenge” leg to stand on, now," adds O'Connelly, "He has the written confirmation of more than one superior that his judgement and performance are above standard for more than the most recent five of his 18 years of military service, not just satisfactory. His record of promotion and decorated service displays a complete absence of any notable dock against his record of performance. In addition to a stellar service review, the fact that he was also recommended for promotion to “full bird” (Colonel), and that he was recommended, unequivocally, to an active field command of a fully involved military medical installation with more than a battalion of staff under his supervision, without hesitation or reservation, makes this sudden reversal in the message conveyed by his previous evaluation highly suspect and possibly discredited on its face.”

The original review of Lakin concluded with the following glowing comments:

“He (Lakin) was the best Chief of Primary Care in my command. He has superb clinical skills, rapport with patients and staff, he prioritizes goals and objectives, and encourages creativity and productivity in those he leads. Terry is the best choice for tough assignments in Familiy Medicine, Aviation Medicine, Occupational Medicine or Medical Policy within the AMEDD or the Joint/DoD community. An all-around performer who just completed a Secondary Skill Identifier in Clinical Informatics. Select for MEL 4 constructive credit and select for senior service school in residence.”

Lakin was also selected by the rating officer in the original OER as a “Best Qualified” candidate under AMEDD command for promotion as full Colonel from his current rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The revised OER retracts this recommendation and goes another step to call for Lakin’s dismissal from military service based not on official litigation but on allegations.

“Well, that would be nice and tidy for Obama, now wouldn’t it?” says O'Connelly, “Painting the guy (Lakin) as a subversive, and having him kicked out would allow Obama’s protectors to avoid the ramifications of discovery in court. Pretty “weasely” if you ask me.”

It also appears that Lakin’s superiors violated military commendation and performance review standards by including allegations in the revised OER, rather than adhering to the blatantly clear requirement that only legal verdicts, not charges, or convictions, not allegations, may be considered in any formal evaluation process. Lakin’s reviewer appears to have included information about the allegations against Lakin and his stance on the eligibility challenges against Obama in the annulment of the original OER. This is a blatant violation of military commendation evaluation process as Lakin so notes in his rebuttal.

Lakin submitted a formal rebuttal to the unorthodox countermand of his original OER. In it, he states:

“All derogatory remarks in this OER originate from Uniform Code of Military Justice charges that are still under investigation and for which I have yet to be arraigned or found guilty. Thus, per AR 623-3 para 3-23 and 3-24 alleged actions shall not be included in the OERs. I do not agree with my OER containing derogatory information based upon my stance of upholding my Oath of Office, to protect and defend the Constitution, and refusal to obey orders until the legitimacy of he Commander in Chief is proven. I attempted to question the legitimacy over 1 ½ year ago through the only official process I knew how, and I was not offered any command or legal assistance to resolve the
issue, despite asking."

Dr. Lakin is a board certified Family Medical Doctor with extensive experience as a Flight Surgeon and Primary Military Care Provision. He has nearly 20 years of military service experience and has served two tours of duty as a decorated combat veteran.

Another military commander who preferred to remain anonymous, added, “The irony comes from comparing Lakin’s military standing to Obama’s political legitimacy. When you do that, Obama loses in the court of public opinion, and it makes the command structure of the military look flimsy and weak, which is, of course, the very result Lakin is attempting to expose by questioning his fitness as Commander-in-Chief. It appears Lakin may be accomplishing exactly what he wants through a back door. He may not get to the documented facts, and he may be dismissed from service, but he may achieve the greatest accomplishment of his military career and reveal the truth about Obama by way of facilitating a disgraceful violation of the military protocol and procedures which, ironically, are under Obama’s command. It’s very interesting.”

On March 30, 2010, the American Patriot Foundation posted a YouTube video (which has now been viewed more than 200,000 times) of LTC Lakin stating: “I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial, in pursuit of the truth about the president's eligibility under the Constitution to hold office.” LTC Lakin then refused to deploy to Afghanistan as he had been ordered, until the issue of the President's eligibility has been resolved.

The revised OER also failed to note Lakin’s reasons for his objectional and failed to indicate that all soldiers are trained that they must disobey illegal orders. Lakin has appealed the Army's pejorative and unfair OER that now recommends he in effect be thrown out of the Army, as the Army could do even if the Court Martial proceeding were dropped. Images of the draft OER, the final OER and the appeal can be found on the website of the American Patriot Foundation,

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